Tag: Williamsburg Villager
Williamsburg Villager August 2016
Wiliamsburg Villager July 2016
The Williamsburg Villager Feb. 2016

If St. Louis was the Gateway to the West, then the Boone’s Lick Road was the way to get there.
Williamsburg’s Main Street is The Boone’s Lick Road.
Trails like the well-known Oregon Trail and Santa Fe Trail are National Historic Trails. Continue reading The Williamsburg Villager Feb. 2016
The Williamsburg Villager Jan, 2016

In Memory of Our Marlene
Our village lost a sweet lady, Marlene Crane, on December 4th. As many of you know she had been hospitalized with pneumonia in early November.
Marlene was born on February 28, 1931, in Kansas City, Missouri. She was the daughter of Harry and Pauline (Underwood) King. Continue reading The Williamsburg Villager Jan, 2016